KAMPALA – The National Water and Sewerage Corporation has revealed plans to improve Sanitation in a number of Municipalities across the country under the NWSC Sanitation Investment Plan.
The plan was presented by the NWSC Senior Manager Operations, Central Region Engineer Okaronon Edmond at the NWSC Resource Center Bugolobi.
In line with the National Strategic aspirations of achieving 95% service coverage (water and sewerage services), NWSC is working on a Sanitation Investment Plan (SIP) which will focus on improved access to safe sanitation for the population in all municipalities under NWSC jurisdiction by the year 2023.
Eng Okaronon adds that the plan comes at the backdrop of tremendous work done in the extension of water servives across the country.
As at June 2018, NWSC operates in over 340 gazetted towns across the country in over 70 districts.
“As we increase water coverage, we need to extend sanitation services too.” Okaranon added.

The Deputy Managing Director Technical services Eng Johnson Amayo said that the objective of the corporation in accordance with the corporate 2018-2021 and the Strategic Direction 2016-2021 is to achieve 30% sewerage coverage in all its areas of operation.
NWSC MD Dr. Eng Silver Mugisha shared that the proposed Sanitation Investment Plan shall support the GoU’s efforts to achieve the middle income status by ensuring that the population that has access to sewerage services increases from 8% to 30% by the year 2020.
He added that the plan shall be achieved through targeted extensions to sewer networks, rehabilitation, expansion of existing sewage treatment facilities among other works which will be laid out in a 5 year Sanitation Investment Plan.
NWSC through its Social Corporate Responsibility programme, NWSC shall reach and serve people who are not connected to sewers in schools, markets, health centres, urban center and in informal settlements in a bid to improve the livelihoods of the citizens in line with SDG no.6
“Every day, our engineers are thinking of smart Enginering Solutions to improve access to safe clean water and sanitation in all our areas of operation. Our commitment towards 100% service coverage in all our areas of operation is total.” Mugisha pledged

Specific Objectives:
- Construction of cost effective and safe sanitation facilities and ensuring 100% system functionality.
- Strengthen the Sanitation arm of NWSC-institutional set up.
- The proposed programme will target all sub-counties/municipalities with populations of more than 15,000 people.
- Construction of public and communal toilets.
- Construction of new fecal sludge treatment plants.
- Procurement and deployment of Cesspool Emptier trucks in various areas of operation.
- Construction of treatment plants, pipe lines, pumping stations, fecal sludge treatment units, public toilets etc
- Improved access to Safe Sanitation Services I.e sewerage services, pit emptying, services from Emptier trucks and increase in public toilets to serve communities.
- Increase sewerage connections in towns with sewerage systems and develop new infrastructure, including statellite sewerage systems in Greater Kampala Metropolitan area.
Project costs
The project will be financed by NWSC through its internally generated funds, the government of Uganda through the Ministry of Water and Environment and development partners/Donors