OMORO – À total of 286 households affected by nodding syndrome in Odek sub-county, Omoro district will benefit from parts of the NUSAF III fund, the district Chairperson Douglas Peter Okello has revealed.
Mr Okello said they have got directives from the NUSAF III Director Dr Lim Lim to use part of the fund to boost livelihoods and skilling of girls from the nodding syndrome affected household.
He said each of the affected households will receive oxen and ox-ploughs t support agriculture while some of the mature girls will be taken through vocational learning in tailoring to brighten their futures.
“Many children are still recovering from the nodding syndrome but their family members’ don’t have the resources to support their diet and education. Through the NUSAF III funds, we hope their lives and those of their parents will improve,” Mr Okello said.
The district leaders last week re-opened the Odek nodding syndrome treatment center which was closed in December last year to start providing specialized care to some 25 children whose health deteriorated while at home.