KAMPALA– Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) on Wednesday August 1 launched a campaign dubbed “Let’s make Kampala smoke free” aimed at banning smoking in public places with in Kampala for a smoke free city.
In an effort to put in effect the 2015 Tobacco Control Act, smoking was banned in public places like streets, roads, bars, restaurants, workplaces, among others.
Bloomberg Philanthropies a global network of cities committed to reducing non communicable diseases (NCDs) and injuries, announced a partnership with KCCA in May 2018.The partnership is led by World Health Organization global ambassador for NCDs.
KCCA will work alongside Bloomberg Philanthropies and implement partner vital strategies to deploy proven solutions to save lives and improve environments where people live, work and play.
Mr. Daniel Okello the Acting Director Public Health and Environment, said smoking affects non-smokers through passive smoking and over 30% of deaths in Kampala are due to non-communicable diseases caused by smoking.
Kampala Central Mayor Mr Charles Sserunjogi said everybody must abide by the law and embrace the Tobacco Control Act. He said those caught in the act will either pay a fine of Shs200, 000 or be imprisoned for more than six months.
“We are committed to sensitising the public on the dangers of smoking on people’s health and create more awareness about the act. We have put in place a toll free line – which we shall communicate to the public later – for people to report cases regarding smoking in public places,” he said.
Smoking can lead to a variety of ongoing complications in the body, as well as long-term effects on the body systems and some of the effects are immediate.