KAMPALA- Police are hunting for people who defrauded Democratic Party (DP) spokesperson Kenneth Kakande in a land deal.
Mr Kakande was last Thursday detained at Jinja Road Police Station after he was arrested by residents in Kira Municipality, who accused him of trespass on a piece of land where he had allegedly gone with a grader to clear it.
Kampala Metropolitan Police spokesperson Luke Owoyesigyire on Monday, said some people sold the same piece of land to Mr Kakande and another investor.
“The land was sold to an investor but the transaction mode is suspicious because Mr Kakande insists the land is his. We’re now looking for more suspects in this case since it points to some fraud involved,” he said
Mr Kakande was surrounded by the reported land owner flanked by residents who dragged him to Jinja Road police accusing him of trespass.
A May 2018 report by the Uganda Human Right Commission (UHRC) revealed that almost half of land holders in Uganda are facing ownership related disputes.
According to the report, population increase, unclear district boundaries, corruption, increased infrastructure development projects, family disputes, forced evictions, inadequate compensation, land grabbing and weak land related institutions are some of the key drivers of land conflict in the country.