OMORO – An angry mob on Monday, August 27 descended on Charles Opiyo, 45, a resident of Ami-Lobo village in Ongako Sub-county Omoro district after he was said to have beat his uncle to death.
According to police, Opiyo badly beat up B.M Ocaya, 92, a former magistrate. Ocaya was rushed to St Mary’s Hospital in Lacor where he was pronounced dead on arrival.
Jimmy Patrick Okema the police spokesperson for Aswa river region said Opiyo was killed by a mob which smoked him out of his hiding place, where he had fled on hearing that the old man died.
Okema says it is not clear why Opiyo might have killed his uncle but he condemned the locals for taking the law in their own hands, “let us allow the law to deal with suspected criminals,” he said.
Okema said murder cases among others like sexual gender-based violence, burglary remain high and police face a challenge when it comes to providing evidence in the courts of law because of the absence of a forensic laboratory in the region.
Last week during the launch of a new Regional analytical laboratory in Gulu town, Okema said the forensic lab will help reduce challenges they usually face in terms of exhibit storage, transportation and analysis.