KAMPALA – Christine Mbabazi, a woman who is said to have information about the death of former police Spokesperson Andrew Felix Kaweesi who murdered outside his house in Kulambiro, a Kampala suburb in March 2017 has petitioned the High Court civil division to order ISO boss Col Frank Kaka Bagyenda and the Attorney General (AG) to have her produced in court with immediate effect .
Mbabazi through her lawyers of Rwakafuuzi & Co. Advocates filed a habeas corpus application to have her produced in court after being incarcerated in her house at Kasovo LC 1 Lungujja, Lubaga Division in Kampala district together with her children for more than six months.
The respondents, in this case, are the Director General of Internal Security Organisation (ISO) Col Kaka and the AG.
In her sworn affidavit, Mbabazi claims that she is not allowed to move out of her house, no visitors and not allowed to communicate outside her house even via phone calls, internet or anything.
“The arrest is under the order of Col. Kaka who claims that he is keeping me under lock and key because he alleges that am a potential witness in the death of A/IGP Kaweesi or that am a potential accused,” Mbabazi asserts.
Mbabazi claims that the incarceration has taken a very toll on her because her children cannot go to school and that it is hard for her to find what to eat and cannot access medical treatment.
She claims that on various times she has informed the president and other concerned people like the director general of ISO and police when she met them that she only knew Kaweesi as her friend but does not know how and why he met his death.
“My continued incarceration has no basis in law since I am neither on remand nor being accused of any offence in a competent body,” Mbabazi asserts.
She says she has been informed by her lawyer Ladislaus Rwakafuuzi that her continued incarceration is illegal and unconstitutional and that this court has power to declare so.