MBARARA- The Mbarara District Chief Administrative Officer Felix Cuthbert Esoku is in hot soup after the district Councilors grilled him for vandalizing the District Vehicles with intent to claim a new one.
This was raised in a district council hall on Thursday at district headquarters in Kamukuzi, councilors allege that district officials misuse government vehicles and after breaking them down they start claiming much money for repair and maintenance which the councilors say that its very costly to the district.

According to Alfred Byamukama the Clerk to Council while presenting the Previous Minutes to the august house, said that the Council had agreed to issue out sh.15M for repairing the CAO’s vehicle which other Councilors led by Balam Ndyaguma the District Speaker rejected saying it is impossible for the district Vehicle to reach a condition of being repaired at sh.15M which is worth a new one.
Ndyaguma said “We all have Vehicles and we’ve always gone to garages for repair in case of any bad mechanical condition but it can’t take sh.15M that can buy another vehicle” Ndyaguma added that that is the first sign to evidence that District vehicles are being misused where some are used for taxi and even fetching water on funeral ceremonies in the village.

Venance Munanukye the Kagongi Sub-county Representative who doubles as the Deputy Speaker said that CAO has been on several occasions seen with District vehicles in happening places in the wee hours which is contrary to the Local Government Act that governs the Government Properties.
CAO Felix Cuthbert Esoku in his Defense said that the vehicle knocked the Engine which he said it was unavoidable because every vehicle has its problems.

Capt. J.B Tumusime Bamuturaki the District Chairman said that it’s so sad to find that Cuthbert who should be looking after the district properties, he is the one vandalizing them to that extent. Tumusiime added that they are looking forward to solving that Problem either by purchasing a new vehicle instead of wasting sh.15M repairing the old one. In the same Meeting, Godfrey Baryomunsi the Vice Chairman Mbarara District tabled a motion saying that they should introduce turf rules that will help them to punish whoever vandalizes the District Property especially vehicles.