KAMPALA – The Archbishop of Kampala Cyprian Kizito Lwanga has sparked an immersing debate after he proposed on Sunday, October 28, that the government can deduct church tithe from Christians’ salaries and remit it back to the Church.
Citing examples for countries like Germany, Archbishop Lwanga suggested such a move would help the Church to be more financially secure.
Preaching during the Archdiocesan day celebrations at Lubaga Cathedral animated by Gayaza Parish; The Most Rev. Lwanga said many Christians don’t declare the 10% meant for tithe and also said the Christians are complaining that there are too many collections at churches today.
He suggested mandatory tithing would help solve the cash crisis in the church.
“The Bible tells Christians to give back to their places of worship a tenth of their income.
However many Christians are complaining their money is being abused by church ministers, while others don’t really care about tithing anymore” he said.
Many Christians have on Monday morning on several social media fora opposed the Archbishop’s proposal suggesting it would be difficult to implement.
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