Rwanda President, Paul Kagame has issued a stern warning to public servants in the country against spending so much time praying instead of attending to the local population while in office.
Kagame’s warning came through Social Media site, Twitter on the Rwanda Presidency handle where he decried the time public servants were dedicating to prayers, instead of carrying out their obligations.
“President Kagame: Everyone is entitled to their beliefs. But in public service, you cannot use work hours to spend all day attending prayers instead of fulfilling your responsibility of serving citizens. There is a time and place for everything,” the notice read in part.
Kagame’s warning was welcomed by most of his followers and mostly in Nigeria who called on their President to follow suit, and called out secretaries and receptionists in the West African nation of using working hours to read their bibles, while ignoring citizens.
With the East African nation boasting of 95% of the population being Christians, this isn’t the first time Kagame is taking on the worshippers, with his war having started in March 2018 when reports emerged Government had closed down over 700 churches and mosques in Rwandan capital Kigali.
At the time of the crackdown, Government defended the decision saying the church and mosque structures all failed to adhere to the country’s building regulations and noise pollution laws.
At the time, most of the churches closed were small Pentecostal often run by charismatic preachers with some massive, attracting thousands of worshippers each Sunday, but others consist of tiny structures built without planning permission.
Church owners that defied the order were arrested and charged with holding illegal meeting, with some being forced to improve on their structures, something that saw Government reopen them.
Among the other conditions set up by the Government was to have all preachers undergo theological training before opening a church and this was intended to rid the Christian faith of fake pastors, after reports of preachers swindling money from worshipers on pretext of making miracles.