MBARARA– Mbarara Municipal Council (MMC) officials have vowed to close all business entities in Mbarara town who will act contrary to the new bylaws passed on the garbage generation and management.
Francis Bemanya, the deputy Mayor Mbarara Municipality confirmed this saying that MMC has been spending over half a billion on garbage management only which he said affects the local revenue thus starving and retarding their progress.
Bemanya said this over the weekend at the official launch of a plastic recycling plant in Mbarara’s industrial park.
“We have already passed new policies concerning Garbage that will look at managing garbage right from generation, and this is targeting hotels and restaurants who are the most contributors of Garbage on Mbarara roads, we have been spending much over half a billion in collecting and dumping garbage in our dumping site in Kenkombe in Kakoba, but now we have removed these collection centres, our vehicles will be moving every day to pick Garbage from homesteads rather than dumping it on the road sides,” Bemanya said.

He added, “we are going to arrest and charge whoever fails to comply and we shall not hesitate to terminate business licenses especially to people who operate restaurants and Hotels.
“We have already put means to get another Magistrate at our municipal court to counter the would-be backlog of cases because we are going to prosecute the perpetrators, so joke this time.
“We cannot keep admiring other cities in our neighboring countries that they are very clean yet we can also do it here, we are going to put cleaning days for all business operators and offices, this means that that day we don’t expect anyone to open they will close half a day, we find you open we arrest and terminate your license.”

“Garbage is a menace in Mbarara and we are thankful that now we have got a recycling plant for plastics and Kavera and this will protect our environment and soils.”
Dr. Celestine Barigye the executive Director Mbarara Regional referral Hospital who represented the Permanent Secretary Ministry of Health; Dr.Asuman Lukwago as the chief guest asked the plant owners to provide protective gears for people who will be in charge of collecting these plastics and buveras since they can easily contract diseases like Tetanus.