KAMPALA– Grade one magistrate Moses Nabende of the Anti-Corruption Court has heard that the former Kampala South Regional Police Commander Siraje Bakaleke who is facing charges of abuse of office and kidnap is on the run.
The state prosecutor Ms. Harriet Angom also told court that the investigations are in their conclusion stage, although Mr Bakaleke whom they have since got to know from the police is on the run thus delaying the whole process.
She, however, told court that the Ministry of Internal Affairs has been put on alert by the police to track the travel history of Bakaleke.
Mr Bakaleke is facing charges in relation to allegations of abuse of office, embezzlement, obtaining money by false pretence and kidnap.
He faces the charges with six other police officers who include; D/ASP Innocent Munezero, D/ASP Nuwagaba Innocent, D/AIP Robert Asiimwe, PC Amanya Junior, PC Babu Gastavas and PC Kenneth Zirintuusa who are accused of having arbitrarily directed the wrongful arrest and confinement of 3 Korean nationals.
They are jointly charged with a one Mugoya Wanyoto Paul and Nabeta Samuel with whom they defrauded the Koreans of 415,000USDollars between February 4 and 11 this year.
The prosecution further alleges that on February 4 and 11 this year in Kampala, the nine accused persons conspired to kidnap the three Koreans with an intention to secretly or wrongfully confine and defraud them of 415,000USDollars.
Prosecution states that Mr Bakaleke, Mr Munezero ,Mr Nuwagaba ,Mr Asiimwe ,Mr Amanya ,Mr Babu and ,Mr Zirintusa and others still at large between February 4 and 11, 2018 in Kampala while employed in the Uganda police Force in various ranks and appointments did or directed to be done arbitrary acts prejudicial to the interests of their employer or of a one Jang Seungkwon in abuse of the authority of their offices by causing the said Jang to be wrongfully arrested and confined.
The magistrate has now extended the warrant of arrest against Mr Bakaleka and adjourned the matter to December 14.