KAMPALA– The High Court in Kampala has issued summons against the troubled Kanungu District Woman MP Elizabeth Karungi requiring her to file her defense over allegedly poisoning of a Parliamentary receptionist whom she mistakenly thought had a love affair with her husband.
According to the summons that was signed on October 31 by assistant registrar Ms Joy Kabajje, Ms Karungi is required to file defense within 10 days from e date of receipt of the summons or failure to do so, judgment will be entered in her absentia.
“Whereas the above-named plaintiff (Ms Donna Kamuli) has instituted a suit against you upon the claim the particulars of which are set out in the copy of the amended plaint attached hereto. You are hereby required to file a defence seeking leave to appear and defend yourself in the said suit within 10daysfrom the date of service of summons on you in the manner prescribed under 0.9 rule one Civil Procedure Rules,” reads in part the summons.
Ms Kamuli sued the MP accusing her of administering a poison called deltamethrin and cyprodinil in a packed water bottle labeled “Rwenzori for Café’ Pap’ which she was served through a waitress on September 1, 2018.
Ms Kamuli narrates that on August 31, 2018, Ms Karungi called her suggesting that they meet at cafe Pap restaurant to have a woman to woman talk however Kamuli promised to call back since she was attending a party and had to postpone their meeting to the next day.
That while there; the legislator narrated to Kamuli of how her husband Allan Kamugisha is seeing a fairly young brown lady whom he picks from a hostel in Makerere Kikoni and drops her at Parliament every day.
Kamuli contends that the MP disclosed to her that she had put a price of Shs 20 million and had a balance of Shs 60million for people to trail and kill that young woman who is destabilizing her marriage.
“I was so shocked and froze and could not drink the water anymore although at that time I had drunk half the bottle,” Kamuli says.
Adding: “I told the legislator that I was not young, am a mature woman, married and now separated with 14 years old first born, with my own car and had never been driven by her husband. I showed her my family photos including my estranged husband. The legislator’s body language showed shock and regret though she could not say.”
Kamuli says that she immediately after taking the water, experienced untold stomach ache prompting her to carry out a thorough medical checkup and examination at the Government analytical laboratory and the findings showed that a pesticide -Deltamethrin was administered in her drink.
Through her lawyers of Rwakafuuzi and Company Advocates, Ms Kamuli now wants the legislator to pay her damages, compensatory and punitive and costs of the suit for causing permanent damage to her intestines, eyes and the entire nervous system because according to medical orders the poisonous substance detected in (Kamuli’s) body has no cure.