MUKONO– As the country officially mourns the party goers who perished on the boat on Saturday last week at Lake Victoria during a boat cruise, Forum for democratic change party members (FDC), have decided to mourn with the family of John Owecho a fisherman who perished while trying to save the lives of the people who were on the boat.
Party members led by the party president Patrick Oboi Amurait and some members of Parliament, are heading to Mukono to mourn with the family of John Okecho on Friday.
This followed the announcement made by government on Tuesday that Friday will be the official day to mourn the lives of those who perished on the boat that capsized.
Buhweju County MP Francis Mwijukye who is leading the FDC MPs noted that they can’t mourn from the offices and that’s why they have decided to go to the family of John Okecho.