KAMPALA – The office of the Directorate of Public Prosecutions (DPP) has denied allegations that it does not have funds to pursue the murder case in which businessman Mathew Kanyamunyu is charged with Murder of Kenneth Akena, a child rights activist.
Kanyamunyu, his girlfriend Cynthia Munwangari and his elder brother Joseph Kanyamunyu are facing murder charges over the shooting to death Akena near Kampala on November 12, 2016. However, the trio is on bail.
Joseph Kanyamunyu is separately charged with an additional charge of being an accessory after commissioning of the offence.
DPP deputy publicist, Ms Irene Nakimbugwe rubbished stories in the media that they had failed to pursue the case citing that the case file is in their custody however they are waiting upon the judiciary to set a date for trial.
“Once we receive a hearing notice, we shall proceed to summon witnesses and have the matter heard. No prosecution can commence until this is done,” Ms Nakimbugwe stated in her press release dated November 2.
She also noted that they will continue to engage the family and keep them updated on any developments concerning the matter.
Senior communications officer of judiciary Solomon Muyita has said that they still have cases from 2012 in the system yet the criminal court has only five judges yet cases are over ten thousand.
Muyita says that with the affirmative action that includes women, young ones, elderly and a few prominent cases may be the Kanyamunyu case could be lodged in the next schedule early next year.
It is alleged that Akena met his death when he accidentally scratched Matthew Kanyamunyu’s vehicle.
In the summary of the evidence presented before court, the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), says that he has sufficient evidence to sustain the murder charge against the trio for the shooting Akena on a fateful day.
The trio were last year in January committed to the High Court for trial.