KAMPALA- The International Crimes Division of the High Court on Thursday heard that the state has secured the final documents from Tanzania regarding the extradition process of former ADF leader Jamilu Mukulu and his two co-suspects.
The two documents include pre-committal proceedings from the magistrate’s courts in Jinja and Kisitu in Dar- es -Salaam, Tanzania together with Mukulu’s extradition documents from Tanzania.
As Mukulu and 37 others appeared before a single judge Eva Luswata, senior assistant DPP John Baptist Asiimwe informed her that said documents including Tanzanian passport for Jamilu Mukulu were secured from Tanzania and Jinja Chief magistrates court where the suspects first appeared before they were committed.
The state has now asked court to give them a short adjournment in order file the documents in court and disclose them to Mukulu’s lawyers.
After having been satisfied with the disclosure of the intended evidence and documents between both prosecution and defence lawyers, Justice Luswata has adjourned the case to January 11, 2019, when charges will be formally read to the accused who are currently on remand at Luzira prison.
Mukulu and 37 others including a woman are facing trial over alleged rebel activities against the government of Uganda.
Mukulu is accused of launching a rebellion when he formed ADF out of remnants of the National Army for the Liberation of Uganda, terrorising people in Western Uganda areas of Rwenzori.
The group is accused of masterminding an attack on Kichwamba Technical Institute in 1998, burning it and causing the death of over 80 students of the institute.
The prosecution also alleges that Mukulu masterminded the killing of various Muslim Sheikhs in Uganda between 2013 and 2015.