KYAMBOGO – The Academic Registrar department at Kyambogo University on Friday explained the uncertainty surrounding the 15th graduation ceremony due next week on December 12, 2018, saying the university is ready.
Speaking to PML Daily in a telephone interview, the Academic Registrar, Ann Bagumisa trashed reports that the university was to produce students results that students’ graduation was in balance
The academic registrar said that everything is still on plan and that the University will be finalizing the printing of the final graduation list on Friday.
This was after a document in circulation on social media made damning allegations that University was not ready to host the 15th graduation ceremony next week.
Social media reports emerged after the delay in releasing graduation lists.
Some Kyambogo graduands were also alleging that the research marks had not been attached yet for most of the faculties putting the graduation in balance.
Mr Rodgers Aribarema, the guild minister for information and communication at Kyambogo attributed the delay to the University council’ decision not to facilitate lecturers. He claimed some lectures had withheld research marks over non paid allowances.
“The University Council which decided that research should be taken as any other course unit so no extra facilitation was contrary to what has been happening. This was opposed by lecturers and some had to hold the research marks,” he said.
Over 7000 students are expected to graduate from Kyambogo next week.
The Kyambogo University Graduate School, The School of Management and Entrepreneurship and the Faculty of Vocational Studies will graduate first on Wednesday, December 12, 2018.
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and Faculty of Vocation Studies will then follow on Thursday 13.
Faculty of Education, Science and Engineering will graduate on Friday, December 14, 2018, to sum-up the ceremony.