KAMPALA – The Minister of Education and Sports, Honorable and First Lady Janet Museveni has today Feb 5 released the November/December 2018 Uganda Business and Technical Examinations Board (UBTEB) results.
While addressing the congregation at the UBTEB Secretariat today morning, Hon. Janet Museveni who was represented by John Chrysestom Muyingo, the State Minister for Higher Education urged the parents and guardians to consider taking their children to Technical Institutes other than undermining it.
“Over the years, I have been following the public debate on career progression after the release of PLE results by UNEB whereby the majority of the public think that joining senior one is the sole alternative,” adding that, “Others perceive candidates that enroll for post Primary vocational career training as least performers. Recently the trend has improved that we have students applying to join Community Polytechnics after their PLE with very good grades,” said the minister.
She said that government has provided a scope for Technical, Vocational Education and Training and the requisite skills for socio-economic development in the National Development Plan II and Uganda Vision 2040.
According to CPA Executive Secretary Onesmus Oyesigye, a total of 5,972 (1,112F & 4,860M) candidates registered for UCPC and Advanced Craft programmes. While 169 candidates did not turn up for examinations, 5,803 (97.2%) sat for examinations, from which 4,678 (88.3%) successfully completed their studies.
He says, some of the possible reasons for absenteeism are that after registration those who feel they have acquired skills get absorbed in the employment before they sit their examinations.
“Specifically for UCPCs, a total of 4,254 (791Females & 3,463Males) candidates registered for end of programme Examinations in 79 Examination Centres and table 3.1 indicates the details,” said ES.
“Out of 4,126 that sat the examinations, 3,317 (80.4%) successfully completed their programmes and can proceed to the world of work for Apprenticeship or join the National Certificate level. This is a very good performance, and it gives us a 0.4% improvement in completion rates compared to that of 2017 (Fig 2.1). This is partly attributed to adequate syllabus coverage and students getting used to Competence-Based Assessment procedures,” he added.
Mrs Museveni said that the government embarked on Education Sector reforms and developed the TVET Policy in which the TVET council will regulate curriculum content, quality assurance of BTVET curriculum delivery and assessment, certification of skills training, and harmonization of financing mechanisms for the whole BTVET sector.
“I have hope that its implementation will yield tangible results in making Ugandans skilled for self-employment and employment of others,” she said.
She thanked families and the Board for providing technical skills to the young generation.
“I wish to congratulate all the candidates and their families for this great achievement of completing their studies evidenced by the results I am releasing today. I also congratulate the Board upon the successful release of the 14th UBTEB results.”
“I commend the Board and the entire team at the Ministry and/or other Agencies of Government who have been working closely to ensure smooth conduct of the examinations and timely release of results. In the same vein, I also wish to appreciate the media for the continued coverage of education sector programs, including this particular event.”