KAMPALA -Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Uganda have been encouraged to love one another and reach out to the inactive and less active members of the Church.
The call was made by a senior leader of the Church, Elder Gary E. Stevenson, and a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church during his visit over the weekend with members of the Church at Hotel Africana.
Gary noted that if members engage more and more in reaching out to one another then the members will bond with each other and those ministered to will feel that they are loved.
The president of Kampala South Stake in the Uganda Mission, Fredrick Kamya said that if members follow the counsel from the apostle, they will find it easy to live the gospel. He added that ministering is one way that demonstrates that you think and love another.
“The apostle’s visit is a great opportunity for everyone to reflect on how much they have done to bring those who are not with us and this is very easy through ministering,” Kamya said.
The President of North Stake, Powell Lupaka Oketta, also pointed out that today is a very special day in the lives of the members because he is God’s apostle. He said in the New Testament, Apostle Paul wrote letters to His people but for us members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have the opportunity to not only hear from Him but see Him and this is a wonderful and fulfilling experience for each and every one of us.
According to the Public Affairs Country director of the Church, Sister Suzan Apondi Mwanga, Gary spent the weekend in the company and fellowship of members in Kampala, full-time missionaries currently volunteering in Uganda and members of the communities in which the Church operates in the locations that he visited.
The objective of this historic visit by the Apostle to Uganda is to fulfill the divinely appointed mandate of disciplines of Jesus Christ to declare His word among His people, that they might have everlasting life. The Apostle’s message centred on unity, love, service, charity, and kindness he shares with the people the hope and peace that comes through a life of true devotion to God.
About the Church
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints claims over 15,000 members in Uganda scattered across the nation in 29 congregations. The worldwide Church is governed by living prophets and apostles, patterned after the original Church of Jesus Christ founded by the Lord during His mortal ministry 2,000 years ago in Jerusalem. These apostles and prophets are designated as special witnesses of Jesus Christ, and they travel the world teaching and testifying of His divine mission as the Son of God. The Church has three stakes namely: Kampala North Stake, Kampala South Stake, and Jinja Stake, with a leader at each stake.