MAKERERE- The number of students voting at the ongoing Makerere University guild elections remains low as most of the polling stations have been seen with only Police officers and polling officers.
By 8:30 am, the polling stations had been set up and ready for students to vote. Areas like the School of Law, School of Literature, Languages and Communication, School of Psychology among others have so got scanty numbers of students coming to vote.
Mr David Musiri a guild president aspirant attributed the situation to the heavy military and police deployment at the university which he believes has intimidated students as they do not want to experience what happened yesterday.
“Many students were beaten yesterday, I have people within my camp that were hurt and fractured and this has made them not come to vote,” he said.

The School of Education has so far seen the highest number of voters, maybe because they have two candidates; Mr. Julius Kateregga and Ms Milly Namuddu.
“I thank the students for coming to vote, I thank them for being united. However more students are going to come to vote especially the evening students and those that were affected by yesterday’s chaos,” Kateregga said.
The School of Business and the School of Economics has also registered a fair number of voters.