KYANKWANZI – Government Chief Whip Ruth Nankabirwa has revealed that her office has come up with new parameters for measuring the performance of Parliamentary Committees and their entire leadership.
Ms. Nankabirwa was this Thursday, March 14, speaking at the NRM Parliamentary Caucus retreat going-on at the National Leadership Institute (NALI), Kyankwanzi.
She did not, however, give details adding; “These will be discussed in much more detail during our next meeting with the Committee Chairpersons after issuing them with copies for internalization”
She has commended the Legislators for their active participation during plenary and committee meetings.

Ms. Nankabirwa has also warned MPs against acting contrary to the caucus position without leave of the government Chief Whip including those issuing statements or documents pertaining to the deliberations of the caucus to the media and the general public without permission plus those supporting positions of other political parties contrary to the objectives and policies of NRM.
Ms. Nankabirwa has further revealed that a total of 14 Bills had been passed in Parliament as a result of existing teamwork among different stakeholders. These include the following among others;
The Constitution Amendment Bill, 20017, the African Export-Import Bank Agreements Bill, 2018, The Data Protection & Privacy Bill, 2015 and The Civil Aviation Authority (Amendment) Bill, 2017.
Others are the Cooperative Societies (Amendment) Bill, 2016, the Human Rights (Enforcement) Bill, 2015 and the Mental Health Bill, 2014.
The Bills not yet assented to by the President include; the Uganda Wildlife Bill 2017, the Sugar Bill 2016, the Minimum Wages Bill 2015 and the National Biotechnology Bill 2012.

According to Rogers Mulindwa, the NRM spokersperson, the retreat will among others review the progress in the implementation of the National Development Plan (NDP II) and appreciate insights in NDP III as well as the performance of Government in the implementation of major sectors of the NRM Party Manifesto 2016-2021.
At the end of the 8-day retreat, he said: “the Legislators will appreciate the need for industrialization and job creation as a springboard for propelling Uganda’s economy to middle-income status.”
While Kyankwanzi, the members of the NRM caucus will also take stock of the achievements so far realized and the challenges met in the implementation of the NRM Manifesto.

The Retreat is attended by several NRM bigwigs of Central Executive Committee (CEC) who include Gabriel Katto (PWD), Dominic Gidudu (Elderly), Maj. Gen. Jim Muhwezi (Veterans), James Tweheyo (Workers), Lydia Wanyoto (Women) and Olweru Huda (Special Nominee).
The Party Secretariat is Ms. Justine Kasule Lumumba the Secretary-General.