MAKERERE – Dr. Ivan Lukanda, the chief convener of the much-anticipated Annual Media Convention (AMC) 2019 has confirmed that all is set for the think tank conference happening Thursday.
Organized by the department of journalism and communication, the one-day event will be held at the Makerere University main hall on Thursday, April 25 under the theme; “communicating science in the social media age: Sharing technical information from researchers with the public.”
Dr. Lukanda said the event will bring together leading minds from the region to exchange knowledge between journalists and communication professionals with the research institutions that generate vast science for the public, who are largely the primary beneficiaries of the technical knowledge.
The agenda of the conference is to enable participants discuss and propose solutions for improving and advancing journalism and communication with a critical focus on the role traditional and social media platforms play in disseminating scientific information in society.
The convention will be graced by Science, Technology and Innovations minister Dr. Elioda Tumwesigye.
Dr. William Tayeebwa the head of department, in a document sent to this website recently noted that the annual event is aimed at providing a forum for discussing emerging issues relating to media in Uganda and beyond.
“It is on this background that the AMC this academic year is paying attention to how technical information from research institutions is reported to the general public, the challenges faced and how such information is discussed in society, in an attempt to improve science communication in Uganda.
The day-long event will bring together journalists and media practitioners, public communication experts, policy makers and government officials, academicians, civil society and development partners, as well as journalism students across the region.
This annual event will also see key note addresses, plenary discussions, an exhibition by several participants and a suitcase workshop where TV programs for children will be screened.
The Cranimer Mugerwa Award will be given to the best students in academics while the Tebere Mudini Award will be given to the best overall student in photojournalism.
The department has held the AMC since 1998.