MAPUTO – In Mozambique, nearly 45,400 houses have either been partially destroyed (27,203) or totally (18,179) in Cabo Delgado and Nampula provinces, as of 9 May. In addition, some 1,316 houses are flooded in Cabo Delgado, according to the Government.
In Comoros, an estimated 185,900 people are in need of immediate multi-sectoral assistance.
The death toll following the impact of Tropical Cyclone Kenneth stands at 50 people as of 8 May, including 43 deaths in Mozambique and 7 in Comoros.
Situation overview
The death toll from Cyclone Kenneth has risen to 50 people, including 43 deaths in Mozambique (41 in Cabo Delgado and 2 in Nampula) and 7 in the Comoros. At least 276 people have been injured, including 182 in the Comoros and 94 in Mozambique.
In Mozambique, nearly 45,400 houses have either been partially destroyed (27,203) or totally (18,179) in Cabo Delgado and Nampula provinces, as of 7 May. In the Comoros, more than 11,400 houses were destroyed; with 4,482 destroyed completely.
Thousands of people were displaced by the storm’s passage. In Mozambique, more than 3,500 people continue to seek shelter in 11 displacement centres in Cabo Delgado (3,214 people) and Nampula (313 people) provinces in northern Mozambique as of 7 May; compared to more than 18,000 people on 3 May.
In Comoros, an estimated 185,900 people are reportedly in need of immediate multi-sectoral assistance and more than 19,300 people were displaced.
The risk of water-borne diseases has increased in both countries due to damage to water and sanitation infrastructure.
Nearly 100 water tanks were destroyed in the Comoros, and the capital city of Moroni is relying on a single water pumping station after two others were damaged, leaving some districts with no permanent access to water.
A cholera outbreak was declared in northern Mozambique on 2 May, with 109 cases recorded in Pemba (89), Mecufi (10) and Metuge (10), as of 8 May.
Health infrastructure has suffered significant damages as a result of the cyclone. In Comoros, six health facilities were reportedly impacted, including the El-Maarouf National Hospital Centre, two regional hospitals in Foumbouni and Mitsamiouli, as well as a health centre in Nioumachoua and two health posts in Mkazi and Tsinimoichongo, according to a rapid assessment conducted on 26 April and confirmed by WHO.
In Mozambique, at least 19 health facilities have been destroyed or damaged.
Tropical Cyclone Kenneth has impacted agricultural and fishery livelihoods. In Comoros, significant damage to agriculture and livestock was reported. In Mozambique, food insecurity is expected to rise, with nearly 55,500 hectares of crops affected in the region. Even before the cyclone, more than half of the population in Cabo Delgado was facing stressed or worse food insecurity, according to the latest Integrated Phase Classification (IPC) results.
Access in both countries remains a challenge, with many areas remaining inaccessible by road and requiring access by boat and air transport.
In Mozambique, despite strained resources, humanitarian actors and the Government are scaling-up humanitarian operations. More than 66,100 people had been reached with food assistance provided by the World Food Programme (WFP), in complement to assistance provided by the National Disaster Management Instituto (INGC), as of 8 May.
Field monitors have been deployed to Ibo Island and parts of Quissanga and additional partner capacity is being deployed to carry-out distributions.
An intensive operation is underway to provide multi-sectoral relief items on the islands in Ibo district, including Ibo, Matemo, Quirimba and the small surrounding islands. Three health tents have been provided – two by UNFPA and one by UNICEF – to enhance healthcare on Ibo island. One tent is for maternity care, one is for women and paediatrics, and one is for men.
Food distribution is underway by SEPPA, while the COSACA consortium – CARE, Save the Children and Oxfam – is preparing for multi-sectoral distributions of non-food items which will take place in the coming days, which will include certeza, plastic sheeting, mosquito nets, hygiene kits and dignity kits.
The cholera response is ongoing, with a Cholera Treatment Centre operational in Pemba and Cholera Treatment Units established in Mecufi and Metuge. Meanwhile, nutrition partners, including UNICEF, are undertaking Mid-Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC) screenings and provision of Vitamin A and deworming.
The team began on 8 May in accommodation centers in Pemba (Congresso and Centro Desportivo) and will move to Mecufi on 9 May, and Metuge on 10 May. Following the nutrition activities in accommodation centers, mobile teams will be deployed to provide integrated health and nutrition services to affected communities from 11 to 21 May.
In Comoros, the World Health Organization (WHO) donated trauma kits worth more than US$20,000 to the Ministry of Health on 7 May, to strengthen the technical capacity of the El-Maarouf National Hospital Centre. The kits are intended for the management of emergencies and include trauma equipment, consumables and drugs designed to ensure the management of surgical operations for 100 patients. A second donation of US$50,000 in equipment, consumables and medicines is expected and will be distributed in Anjouan, Grande Comore and Mohéli, to address the increased risk of malnutrition and waterborne and vector-borne diseases, according to WHO.
Meanwhile, WFP and FAO have sent specialized teams to support response and specialized assessments.