KAMPALA – President Yoweri Museveni has during the state of the nation address held at the Kampala Serena Conference centre admitted that the level of corruption in his government is the remaining obstacle to Uganda’s development.
He said that government’s ambitious plan on corruption has so for yielded fruits by swinging into to net corrupt public servants.
Mr. Museveni said that government has put in place a number of strategies to eliminate corruption and to promote the principle of zero tolerance to corruption.
These strategies he said are intended to create an even more conducive environment for good governance and the rule of law to flourish in Uganda.
He said that government has provided more funding to the Inspectorate of Government to increase their capacity to verify the Leaders’ Declaration.
“The verification exercise will be increased further to crack down on Public Officers who have illicitly acquired wealth at the expense of effective service delivery to the citizens,” Mr Museveni said.
He also noted that prevention of corruption has been enhanced by increasing citizen participation in the monitoring of Government programs and encouraging citizens to report cases related to abuse of public funds.
In this regard, he said that the government implemented the Transparency, Accountability and Anti-Corruption (TAAC) component in NUSAF II (Northern Uganda Social Action Fund) by engaging citizens in monitoring Government programs.
He also noted that a new Unit was created headed by Lt. Colonel Edith Nakalema and that there is a 24 hours Call-Centre where people can report bribery cases, embezzlement, land evictions, crime, among others.
He said Nakalema’s unit is responsible for contacting Police and the IGG so that they handle the cases.