KAMPALA – Makerere University 85th guild president has on Monday 17, June rubbished allegations that he appointed Captain Mike Mukula as the Patron of Makerere Students’ Guild.
Last week, letters circulated all over the various social media platforms indicating that Mr. Kateregga had signed an agreement with Captain Mukula thus provoking negative feedback from the public.
Among those who have expressed their concern include Hon. Betty Nambooze who questioned whether Mr. Kateregga is in NRM or ‘People Power’.
Mr. Kateregga in a Facebook post dated June 16 termed the letter as forgery and total lies that is intended to create divisions in the People Power movement that he subscribes to.
“I have been a victim of fake letters circulating on social media from guild campaigns, even when I had just been voted to power and now this,” Kateregga retorted.
He added that he met Captain Mike Mukula in a political debate at the University where the latter promised to give internship placements to Makerere University students which he was following up.
“The Patron of the Makerere University Student’s Guild is the Dean of Students and the other people we work within that line are the Guild Advisor and the Guild Administrator of which the three are all University officials,” Kateregga confirmed.
He further added that the other people he works with are in the spirit of the students and promised to meet any person who is willing to help University students in accessing opportunities regardless of the person’s political affiliation.
Kateregga noted that he is a People Power die-hard who cannot be lured into any kind of “stupidity” adding that the allegations are targeting People Power but not him as an individual.