KASANJE – President Yoweri Museveni has urged all citizens to explore avenues that create wealth.
Mr. Museveni was speaking at the Heroes day event held in Kasanje, Wakisa where he also lauded those who sacrificed and those who continue to sacrifice for the good of the country.
The President said that government has put a lot of emphasis on infrastructure development but still has a problem of eliminating poverty amongst some communities.
Mr. Museveni pointed out that development is for all while wealth belongs to an individual, company or corporation.
He cautioned every citizen to engage in income generating facilities like commercial farming, setting up small scale industries (like maize mills or bakery), service delivery (like exploring public transport-boda boda) or investing in information communication technology to eradicate poverty.
“Everybody should engage in wealth creation to fight poverty,” stressed the President.
The President also implored citizens to embrace the 4-acre model of agriculture to use the available land effectively.
He said one acre can be for piggery, one acre for coffee, one for vegetables and one for fish farming, depending on what one wants to engage in.
On the issue of land evictions, President Museveni warned landlords to stop the illegal eviction of tenants or bibanja owners, saying the act is against the law.
The Minister for Presidency Esther Mbayo urged all heroes/heroines to continue preserving the peace and stability throughout the country and beyond. She said the peace came at a price and should be jealously guarded.
The Member of Parliament for Luwero district Ssozi Galabuzi saluted all those who paid the ultimate price for peace and urged all to explore avenues that lead to middle income status.
The Chairman of the National War Veterans Association Haji Edirisa Sedunga commended Government for recognizing the efforts of war veterans in socio-economic development.
The 30th Heroes’ Day climaxed with the awarding of 100 medals to particular heroes in recognition of their outstanding contribution to the country by the Master of Ceremonies of the Chancellory Gen Ivan Koreta.
Earlier, the President laid a wreath on the mass grave of over 150 skeletons of civilians arrested from the surrounding areas for supporting the liberation struggle and detained at Kasanje UNLA detachment and finally murdered in cold blood by the forces of repression between 1980 and 1986.
The idea behind Heroes Day is to “honour, preserve, protect and propagate the precious inheritance in the name of liberty our heroes/heroines, both departed and living, left us.
Kasanje was a fighting corridor against the fascist regime of Uganda Peoples’ Congress in the 1980s by the NRA.