KAMPALA – Bishop Wilberforce Kityo Luwalira has on Sunday, July 7 installed Ven. Kenneth Ssewanyana as the new Archdeacon of Kazo replacing Ven. Eria Kawooya at Kazo Archdeaconry Headquarters.
Bishop Kityo’s sermon focused on Psalms 2:8-1 “Ask me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession.”
He welcomed the new Archdeacon and told him that the Lord who has called him to be his co-worker will see him do a good job.
“Every leader has his own way of delivering his service,” he said.
The new Archdeacon Ssewanya thanked the bishop for trusting him by appointing him as the 8th Archdeacon of Kazo.
The Rt Rev Wilberforce Kityo Luwalira heads Namirembe diocese that is comprised of 342 local churches.
The former Kazo Archdeacons include Rev. Canon Samuel Kasujja, Rev. Canon Nelson Kaweesa, Late Rev. Canon Ernest Kibuuka, Rev. Canon Akisoferi Maguzi, Rev. Canon George William Mugula, and Rev. Canon Augustine Musiwufu Magala.

The Church of Uganda is sub-divided into 37 Dioceses. Each Diocese is administered by a Bishop and includes a Diocesan Office to oversee the priests and deacons and to encourage and support ministries of the parishes and congregations.
The diocese has eight archdeaconries, including Masulita, Entebbe, Gayaza, Kazo, Lutikko, Luzira, Mengo and Nateete.