WAKISO – President Yoweri Museveni has officially launched the construction of the Kabusu –Lweza road on Friday, July 19, 2019, at Aggrey Memorial Secondary School in Wakiso.
The occasion was attended by Hon Betty Kamya, Bishop Wilson, the retired Katikiro [ex-prime minister] JB Walusimbi, Rev fr Antony Musala, the RDC, RCC, the Mayor of Bunamwaya Semwanga Kabuzi and the Head Mistress of Aggrey memorial and many others.
The President says the Kabusu-Lweza road is one of the 96 roads listed for construction.
Mr. Bwana Kawujju says that the funds were received from World Bank, it may take a sum of UGX 262 billion for the construction of roads and their junctions.
The people who gave out their land without compensation where appreciated and kindly requested to secure the working tools of the constructors.
President Museveni emphasized Members of Parliament [MPs] to always seek rightful areas to allocate the tax-payers income instead of asking for increased salaries and tours.
“If we focus on the right expenditure of income we will attain development and jobs” President Museveni advised.
He claimed that many people do not differentiate development and wealth.
He clarified that development includes roads, hospitals, schools, electricity which are public while wealth is personal
He encouraged development since it creates jobs, further stating that when they are attained people get wealth due to their hard work.
Compiled by Catherine Kulabako