LUWEERO -The Inspectorate Of Government has today Monday July 8 2019 arrested Umar Katongole a Principal Engineer with the Ministry of Works and Transport and Sengendo Hawa aka Bitone a Senior Development Officer, Wobulenzi town in Luwero district over issues concerning money laundering.
The government has released a press statement confirming the arrest of the duo including six counts on which the pair will be charged.
“The Inspectorate of Government this morning (Monday 8th July 2019) arrested the Principal Engineer, Ministry of Works and Transport and Sengendo Hawah alias Kawa s Bitone, Senior Community Development Officer, Wobulenzi Town Council, Luweero District.” The document reads.
According to an excerpt from the press statement, the charged persons“will appear before the Anti-corruption court tomorrow on Tuesday 9, July 2019 at 9:am.” to start the hearing of the case.
The two committed crimes contrary to the Anti-corruption Act 2009 and the Anti-Money Laundering Act 2017 by swindling and misusing public funds in their respective offices.
The crimes were committed between 2011 and 2015 when property worth UGX six billion two hundred and eighty million, and mysterious deposits worth four billion were made by the dual.
The statement also revealed that deposits worth UGX four billion were made using the Tropical bank main branch in Kampala in July 2015.
The gentlemen are expected to defend themselves against six counts on which they will be charged as highlighted by the document.
count 1v – money laundering, contrary to Sections 3(a), 116 and 136 (1) (a) of the Anti Money Laundering Act (as amended in 2017): Katongole Umar and Sengendo Hawa alias Kawa S. Bitone between 4th April 2011 to 6th August 2015 at Tropical Bank Ltd. main branch in Kampala district deposited a total sum of Shs.2,849,545,000/= (Uganda Shillings two billion, eight hundred forty nine million, five hundred forty five thousand) on account No.0010102561 for purpose of concealing or disguising the illicit origin of funds, knowing or having reasons to believe that the said funds were proceeds of crime.
COUNT V – MONEY LAUNDERING, contrary to Sections 3(b), 116 and 136 (1) (a) of the Anti Money Laundering Act (as amended in 2017): Sengendo Hawa alias Kawa S. Bitone on the 27th of June 2015 at Tropical Bank Ltd. Main Branch in Kampala for purposes of disguising or concealing the origin of funds in the sum of Shs.380,000,000/= (Three Hundred Eighty Million) which Umar Katongole withdrew from Account No. No.0010102561 that he jointly operated with her banked it onto account No. 0100017148 that she is solely operating at Tropical Bank, Main Branch, knowing or having reasons to believe that the said funds were proceeds of crime.
COUNT VI – MONEY LAUNDERING, contrary to Sections 3(a), 116 and 136 (1) (a) of the Anti-Money Laundering Act (as amended in 2017): Sengendo Hawa alias Kawa S. Bitone on 13th July 2015 at Tropical Bank Ltd. main branch in Kampala district deposited a total sum of Shs.466,000,000/= (Uganda Shillings four hundred sixty six Million) on account No.0100017148 for purpose of concealing or disguising the illicit origin of funds, knowing or having reasons to believe that the said funds are proceeds of crime.