KAYUNGA – The Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA) has Wednesday July 24 halted the ferry services at Mbulamuti connecting Kayunga and Kamuli districts following an incident that caused by a truck disembarking off the vessel last evening.
Mr. Allan Ssempebwa UNRA’s Media Relations Media Office attributed the incident to fluctuating water levels on the lake.
He said that during disembarking, the force of the truck affected the floating ferry’s floating components given the fluctuating water levels.
“When the water levels are fluctuating, and with a loaded truck, disembarking poses a challenge,” he said confirming that no persons were injured in the incident.
“We are assessing extent of damage and repair time at the moment before services can resume,” Mr. Ssempebwa told PML Daily.
With ferry services currently at a halt along this route, UNRA has advised the public to use the existing road network (Kayunga-Jinja-Kamuli highway) as an alternative in the interim.
“Only best alternative under the current unavoidable circumstances. Would not advise you to use small boats.” He said.
He noted that the authorities are also liaising with the Police to engage the people and to advise them on the alternative diversion.