KAMPALA – Security Minister Gen. Elly Tumwine has Thursday, August 22 reacted to the a parliamentary committee report that cleared him on contempt of Parliament but indicted him for assaulting a fellow MP Cecilia Ogwal.
Gen Tumwine now says the committee report pinning him of being a bully and guilty of assault isn’t the end of the story.
“Good enough the Constitution provides for many avenues of how you can redress an issue. I was cleared of contempt for parliament,” he said adding “there was the allegation that I said the words which are claimed by Hon. Katusabe that I violated Article 79.”
“I think [MP] Katusabe and his wife had planned everything. I’m concerned that there are people whose efforts and minds are trying to stop me from talking about the good things of the Movement and where we’ve come from,” he noted.
Gen. Tumwine has castigated these who are stopping him from talking about the achievements of the NRM and “where we’ve come to know that the preamble of our Constitution starts like that.”
He also claimed that a section of MPs are propagating lies to tarnish his name and that of other historicals.
“When I’m speaking, I use my finger. Hon. [Cecilia] Ogwal went ahead to say I used it as a gun. In parliament we don’t carry guns, we use our words and brains to argue,” he said adding; “who else loves this Parliament which I’ve been defending for 33 years more than me?
He also claimed that in the 33 years he has been been checking whether the security system works also every specified time.
“You should never apologise against the truth. I’m here waiting for Hon Cecilia Ogwal’s apology regarding her accusations of me holding a gun towards her. I’m as well waiting for an apology from Hon. Katusabe saying he and his wife abused my efforts and willingness to solve a problem. I’m willing to solve this matter with anybody. If you’re a leader, be ready to be talked about. People are free and that’s the freedom we fought for. Those who don’t want to talk about the freedom we fought for should go to hell.”
Parliamentary Committee on Rules, Privileges and Discipline probed into the conduct of Gen. Tumwine, after allegations of uttering statements aimed at belittling Parliament and the person of the Speaker.
The probe report adopted by Parliament on Wednesday indeed observed that Gen Tumwine attempted to assault Dokolo District Woman MP Cecilia Ogwal.