MUKONO- Community leaders in Mukono have rejected the idea of closing wells in the district.
The idea was presented by the Mayor of Mukono district Mr. George Kagimu on Thursday, August 1, during a meeting at the Mukono Municipal Council offices.
During the meeting, Mr. Kagimu revealed that a survey was carried out by National Water and Sewage Corporation (NWSC) officials and they found that the wells in Mukono supplied contaminated water which people at the risk of contracting water-related diseases like typhoid, diarrhoea, cholera among others.
He said that they are going to close all the wells suspected to be supplying contaminated water and replace them with piped water which is going to be provided by NWSC.
The leaders who were Chairpersons LC I of various villages in Mukono
rejected the suggestion saying that NWSC water is not reliable.
The Chairperson LC 3 Mukono Central Division Jamil Kakembo expressed his concerns over the unreliable water from the national utility supplier.
“Closing the wells to fully rely on NSWC water is not a good idea because sometimes the water goes for days and where are we to get water in such times,” noted Mr Kakembo.
However, Mr. Kakembo suggested that the wells be left to function but instead invest time in sensitizing the residents about the importance of boiling their drinking water.
“Let us not waste this opportunity when NSWC is bringing us piped water. However, i request that the wells stay and community leaders should just hold meetings where they can teach their residents the importance of boiling drinking water.” He suggested.
Some leaders complained that NWSC officials put piped water in some of their communities and they said that it would be at a low cost, however, this is not the case as a jerry can of water is now expensive.
The Mr. Henry Lukomu Chairperson LCI Namumira said: “When NWSC officials put piped water in my community they said it was going to be at a cheap price however, the price was increased and now people cannot afford the water hence resorting to the wells.”
In the meeting, Mayor Mr. Kagimu urged the leaders to take care of their people.
Mr. Kagimu also asked them to ensure that they observe good sanitation by properly handling garbage and inspecting homes for pit latrines since it was an alarming problem.
He said: “As you go back ensure to see that the garbage in your communities is collected and put in the right points where the garbage truck can easily access it.”
“Inspect every home in your community to ensure that they have pit latrines and that they are of good standards.” He added