LANGO – The Venerable Julius Ceaser Nina has been elected the 2nd Bishop of West Lango Diocese. The Vev. Nina who will succeed the Rt. Rev. Alfred Acur, will be consecrated and enthroned as Bishop on December 15, 2019, at St. Peter’s Cathedral, Aduku.
The election was made by the House of Bishops of the Church of Uganda sitting at the Namirembe Guest House on 27th August 2019.
Venerable Nina was born on 29th November 1968 in Ayer-Tekidi Village, Kole District. He holds a Bachelor of Divinity degree from Uganda Christian University and has received additional training in financial management from CORAT-Africa in Nairobi.
He was born again on 15th September 1985 during a service in which the preacher was preaching on Matthew 7.13: “Go in through the narrow gate because the gate to hell is wide and the road that leads to it is easy and there are many who travel through it.”
The preacher explained that salvation is like the ant who packs too much on his back; he can’t crawl back into his small hole and dies outside of it. He realized then that the narrow way to salvation was only through Jesus, who is the way, the truth and the life. (John 10.10)
Venerable Julius Ceaser Nina is currently serving as the Archdeacon of Kiryandongo Archdeaconry in Masindi-Kitara Diocese. Prior to this position, he served as Diocesan Secretary and Diocesan Treasurer of Masindi-Kitara Diocese, and also as Diocesan Treasurer and Diocesan Education Secretary of Bunyoro-Kitara Diocese.
Venerable Nina is married to Janet Nina and God has blessed them with four children.

It should be remembered that today August 28 the Church of Uganda will elect the successor to Archbishop Stanley Ntagali, who retires in March next year.
Rev. Can. Capt. William Ongeng recently said that 38 active bishops will form the electoral college for the election under the House of Bishops.
“Archbishop Stanley was elected and enthroned as Archbishop on 18th December 2012 at the age of 57. He turns 65 years old on 1st March 2020 and that is the mandatory age of retirement,” the Provincial Chancellor said.
“[The] Archbishop-elect will not officially become the Archbishop until he is enthroned (installed) as the Archbishop, which will take place on Sunday, 1st March 2020 at St. Paul’s Cathedral, Namirembe,” he explained.