KAMPALA – Officials from the European Union Justice Accountability Reform (JAR) programme met the Chief Justice, Bart Katureebe, at his chambers at the Judiciary headquarters in Kampala to acquaint themselves on developments within the Justice Law and Order Sector.
The officials, Ms Sydey Etima Ojara (JLOS Expert-Technical Assistance for the Justice & Accountability Reform Programme) and Mr Anil Naidoo (expert for Public Reforms to Increase Access to Justice), explained that JAR aims at improving governance of public funds including the mobilization, strategic allocation and efficient use of public resources for improved service delivery.
Ms Ojara stated that one of the objectives of the programme is to improve coverage, accessibility, management and human rights compliance of service delivery in JLOS.
She added that they aim at enhancing institutional resilience and capacities to reduce public sector corruption.
The Chief Justice, who is also the chairperson of the JLOS Leadership Committee, applauded the initiative
CJ stated that in developing and implementing this programme, there is need to identify the bottlenecks against effective access to justice in the whole justice chain; to examine how much time, money and other resources are dedicated to cases right from investigation up to disposal. As such, any planned improvement has to target the entire justice process.
He further said that JLOS have had a useful relationship with Development Partners that has resulted in greater efficiency and effectiveness across the sector.
The outstanding challenge for all stakeholders is how to ensure that more people, including those in the farthest corner of the country obtain greater access to justice.