LUGAZI – Sarah Atugonza Babirye, an office attendant with the Office of the Directorate of Public Prosecutions in Lugazi has on Wednesday, September 11, pleaded guilty to soliciting up to UGX 300,000 in bribes from a one Hadija Naigaga as an inducement to expedite the movement of a case file.
Ms Atugonza pleaded guilty to two counts before His Worship Nabende Moses – admitting in a plea agreement with prosecutor to accepting the charges including corruptly soliciting for and corruptly receiving a gratification contrary to Sections 2(a) and 26(1) of the Anti-Corruption Act, 2009.
“Sarah Atugonza Babirye, Office Attendant, with Directorate of Public Prosecutions, Lugazi Office, solicited for a gratification of Ug.Shs. 300,000/= (Uganda Shillings Three Hundred Thousand) from Hadija Naigaga as an inducement or promise to expedite the movement of case file CRB/100/2019 wherein the said Hadija Naigaga’s two sons namely Hatim Kiwanuka and Wahab Kasadha were arrested for simple robbery and theft, which the Resident State Attorney Lugazi,” reads the charge sheet.
Ms Atugonza faces up to about one years in prison for each of the counts based on preliminary sentencing guidelines, although his attorneys opted for a Plea bargain, and was sentenced to a fine of UGX500, 000 for each of the two counts.
Ms. Atugonza was further ordered to refund UGX 600,000 which she had earlier received from the complainant.
She was stripped of her powers after she was charged and was disqualified from holding any public office pursuant to section 46 of the Anti-Corruption Act.
Mr. Okoth Thomas represented the Inspectorate of Government.