KAJJANSI – The drama at the House of Prayer Ministries is not about to end as Ms Teddy Naluswa Bujjingo is back in the lime light after dragging her husband to court over child neglect.
Ms Naluswa dragged her estranged husband Pastor Aloysious Bujjingo to the Chief Magistrate’s court of Kajjansi seeking orders to compell him to provide maintenance for his abandoned family.
In her affidavit to support her claim, Ms Naluswa states that on the 9th day of May 2019, her husband Pastor Bujjingo petitioned this same court for dissolution of their marriage and ever since then he has neglected his children and her at their matrimonial home in Wakiso district Kitende, KKB Zone.
Ms Naluswa accuses her husband of refusing to meet the family’s day to day needs which includes legitimate care.
According to the court documents, Ms Naluswa states that their children Winnie Treasure Bujjingo, Jeniffer Blessed Bujjingo and Isaac Miracle Bujjingo are studying, their fees and tuition are due but Pastor Bujiingo who is the respondent in this case has allegedly showed no care at all, he is accused by his wife to have vowed never to pay the children’s fees again and other needs.
“The time we happened to contact him he manifestly told me that he will no longer pay school fees and tuition for the children nor cater for any family needs,” reads in part the court document.
She says that Pastor Bujjingo is currently single-handedly running all the properties leaving her without any money to look after the family.
Through her lawyers of Galisonga & Co. Advocates, Ms Naluswa states that her application is made in the best interest of their children thus she should be granted maintenance order against the respondent.
In August 2019, the same declined to dismiss a divorce petition filed by Pastor Bujjingo due to lack of jurisdiction as alleged by his wife Teddy Naluswa.
Ms Naluswa had filed an application seeking for the dismissal of the case stating that her husband had filed it before a lower court that lacks powers to handle cases, whose matrimonial property value exceeds UGX50 million.
Ms Naluswa stated that their property had accumulated and is worth Shs1 billion, thus the divorce case should have been lodged at High Court’s Family Division.
However, the trial magistrate, Mary Babirye, deferred the application until after the hearing of Pastor Bujjingo’s petition to enable the evidence pertaining to the issue raised to first be heard.