KAMPALA — The jailed Boda -Boda 2010 Patron Hajji Abdullah Kitatta has Thursday September 12 appeared before the Court of Appeal of General Court Martial at Makindye to challenge his conviction and subsequent sentence to a maximum penalty of 8 years in prison on charges of unlawful possession of firearms and ammunitions .
Kitatta and his former body guard Detective Constable Ngobi Sowali appeared before Justice Elly Turyamubo however their lawyer Isaac Julungo asked for an adjournment saying that he wasn’t ready.
The two have since raised eight grounds upon which they ask Justice Turyamubona; who sits as a single judge of the appellant court martial to reduce their sentence that they term as harsh.
Court noted that another trial date will be communicated.
The duo are seeking court 2 convicts to substitute their 8 years, 8 months and 6 days jail terms with at least a fair and just punishment or acquit them accordingly.
Among other grounds , Kitatta and Ngobi fault the 7 member Court chaired by Lt. Gen Andrew Gutti of failing to summon material and independent witnesses during their trial which would have enabled them arrive at a just conclusion, and instead convict them on the weakness of prosecution evidence.
The duo further fault the trial court of finding them guilty of offenses of unlawful possession of firearms and ammunitions basing on falsified and uncorroborated prosecution evidence and exhibits .
On May 13, 2019, the General Court Martial chairman Lt . Gen Andrew sentenced Hajji Abudallah Kitatta and Detective Constable Sowali Ngobi to serve 8years, 8 months and 6 days at Luzira prison on charges of being in illegal possession of firearms and ammunitions.
Lt. Gen Gutti reasoned that Kitatta and Ngobi were convicted of a rampant and prevalence offence of possessing illegal guns and ammunitions which has caused a lot of Mayhem in society hence finding a proper and deserving sentence to the duo.
The duo was advised to appeal the Court’s filing within 14 days if they felt dissatisfied , an advise they have since heeded to.