KABALE/RUBANDA – A total of 225 pigs in Kabale and Rubanda districts have been confirmed dead following the outbreak of the African swine fever last month.
On September 11, 2019, the quarantine on the movement of pigs and its products was imposed in Kabale district and on September 18, 2019, in Rubanda by the Commissioner of Animal Health Dr. Anna Rose Ademun.
Dr. Ademum said the purchase of live pigs and pork products, slaughtering of pigs and sale of pork was prohibited until the quarantine is lifted.
According to the Kabale District Veterinary Officer Bernard Kabagambe, a total of 83 pigs have died in Kabale district while the Rubanda District Veterinary Officer Cosma Twesigomwe also confirmed 142 pigs dead
Mr. Twesigomwe and Mr. Kabagambe said that African swine fever is still on and vaccination hasn’t yet started for the disease in their areas.
The veterinary officers now want the pig farmers to improve the hygiene and housing of their animals in a bid to curb down the scourge.
“We don’t have the vaccination yet but for the meantime, as farmers, you must ensure proper hygiene of your pigsties to prevent the further spread of this swine fever” The veterinary officers advised.
The Kabale District Production Officer Beda Mwebesa says that all the 225 pigs that have died in Rubanda and Kabale are valued at 67.5 million shillings.
Mr. Mwebesa says that “most of the pigs die, and the owners do not report to the authorities”.
He adds that there are operations are going on and any person who is found violating the quarantine will be arrested and face the law.
“We have mounted the operations to hunt down the individuals who might be illegally trading the pigs or their products so that we can wipe them out of the public in curbing down the disease” Mr. Mwebesa noted.