KAMPALA —President Museveni has met the national leadership of the Crime Preventers forum during their general meeting at Lugogo indoor stadium.
The Crime Preventers informed Museveni their Wealth Creation group has both professionals like: Teachers, ICT, Engineers, among others and none professional which he said is good because it gives the government an idea of how it can contribute to such groups.
Mr. Museveni said that crime preventers with ICT skills will be deployed to man CCTV camera.
“Last time when my Muzukulu Nagirinya was kidnapped, the police officers at the CCTV centre were sleeping, they only woke up to retrieve images.”
“We still need a lot of ICT people to work with police. They can work for police at no pay but we can support them economically through their Saccos. If there are doctors among the crime preventers, they can help us detect fake drugs,” he said.
He added that the other group can still help to detect crime with some little training.
He said this specific category will also work with the army as a reserve force.
Museveni said government can not afford to pay all crime preventers but can help finance their different projects to get them out of poverty.
“I will discuss with the leaders on how we can move forward.”