KAMPALA — President Yoweri Museveni will tomorrow —Monday September 16, open the inaugural United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNRCE) – Public Private Partnership (PPP) Conference at Kampala Serena Hotel State House has confirmed in a release to journalists.
Mr Museveni who last week returned from South Africa where he attended the World Economic Forum Summit, will be chief guest at the high level conference that is bringing together the who-is-who in the PPP platforms to discuss infrastructural development.
The President is a strong proponent of PPP arrangements.
He recently advocated for easier implementation of such arrangements by limiting bureaucracies.
Public Private Partnerships are long-term contractual arrangements between the government and a private sector firm with the private company remaining responsible for significant aspects of the deal.
This Conference shall attract leading PPP experts from Uganda, Africa and around the world.
The PPP Conference also brings together private sector players, development partners, African Governments, PPP thought leaders and practitioners to think through solutions for infrastructure and service delivery.
This event will also provide an opportunity for a high-level engagement for African Governments, private sector players and development partners on how to bridge the Africa infrastructure financing gap.
This event shall further delve into PPPs and People First Principles in support of the global Sustainable Development Goals.
During the pre-launch of the PPP Conference in August this year, State minister of Finance Gabriel Adjedra noted that the event will provide a platform for Africa governments to pitch country projects and private sector players will have an opportunity to identify critical infrastructure projects for investment.
“Greater emphasis will be on the Uganda infrastructure projects specifically in energy, housing, health, agriculture, works, and transport,” Adjedra explained.
The event will run under the theme; ‘PPPs- Africa’s next big thing, in focus: people first principles in support of UN-SDGs.’
The conference is organised by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE).
UNECE vice-chair bureau of the working party on PPPs Beatrice Florah Ikilai said the event will attract over 50 seasoned infrastructure experts and speakers worldwide.
“Opportunities will be available for side room B2B meetings, networking with project owners, building stronger partnerships critical in bridging Africa’s infrastructure gap.
Government agencies and ministries have been invited to use the platform to pitch their current and future projects and investment opportunities to Africa and the world.
“We encourage interested Ugandans in the corporate and various business sectors to attend and attain knowledge on PPPs. PPPs are the future of infrastructural development in Uganda and Africa at large,” Ms Ikilai said.
The PPP space will be crucial in providing employment opportunities especially for the youth in Uganda and Africa’s next generation.
According to Ms Ikilai, Uganda was best positioned to host the conference considering President Museveni’s passion for infrastructure projects.
“He has been championing major projects around the country and he has carried this passion across the world, attracting investors into the sector,” Ms Ikilai said.
She added that Egypt, South Africa and Nigeria had pitched to host the conference but a Ugandan being the first African vice chair of the PPP bureau of the Commission, made it easy to have it in Uganda.