KAMPALA – Lawyers of three re-arrested former AIGP Andrew Kaweesi murder suspects, have on Wednesday, September 25 informed court that they do not know the location of their clients even after 13 days of their arrest.
The suspects through their lawyer Mr Wameli Anthony had petitioned the High court seeking orders compelling the security organs to produce the suspects in court.
However, when the case came up for hearing before Justice Henrietta Wolayo, the Attorney General through State Attorney Brian Musota said they did not get sufficient time to look through the applications of the rearrested people (applicants) and thus needed more time.
The court subsequently adjourned the hearing to September 27.
The respondents; Attorney General, IGP and Elly Womanya, the Commandant SIU-Kireka, were taken to court for orders to produce the bodies of Mugerwa Yusuf, Karyango Jibril and Nyanzi Yusuf dead or alive.
The three men through their lawyers Mr Wameli and Mr Geoffrey Turyamusiima filed an application of habeas corpus, stating that their clients were illegally arrested by agents acting under the authority of the state, and their continued illegal detention in a gazetted place is an infringement on their rights to personal liberty.

They argue that on September 11, 2019, the 4 men together with others appeared before the International Crimes Division Court Registrar Esther Nasambu for the signing of their release order, having been granted bail in March this year by Justice Lydia Mugambe.
However, as they drove out of the court premises in their Lawyer James Mubiru’s vehicle, several plain-clothed muscle men approached the motor vehicle and ordered the lawyer to open doors.
They added that when Mubiru inquired to know who and what their intentions were, several other plain-clothed armed men pounced onto the motor vehicle, forced it open and brutally grabbed the suspects/victims out of the car and forced them into awaiting van.
The Lawyers contend that it is now beyond 48hours and their clients have not been produced before any court of law nor formally charged with any offence known under the law.
They also state that they verily believe that their clients were illegally arrested and are being illegally detained.