KAMPALA – The Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), Justice Mike Chibita, has been elected to the executive committee of the International Association of Prosecutors.
According to a statement from the office of the DPP, this was at the IAP 24th general meeting held in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
The Directorate states that Uganda is proud of this achievement, a recognition of the country’s commitment to building a responsive, efficient and effective prosecution service.
The International Association of Prosecutors is an organization that brings together prosecutors from all over the world, boasting of a diverse membership of over 177 countries. It sets standards for professional and ethical conduct of prosecutors, along with their training and mentoring.
Justice Chibita has served as DPP since 15 August 2013. Before that, he served as a justice of the High Court of Uganda. He holds a Bachelor of Laws degree, a Postgraduate Diploma in Legal Practice and a Master of Laws degree in International and Comparative Law from the University of Iowa, in the United States.
He lectured in International Relations and African History at the University of Northwestern-St. Paul, in Roseville, Minnesota, in the United States in 1993.
In 1994, he returned to Uganda and was hired as a State Attorney, in the Attorney Generals Chambers. He served as a Legal Assistant to the Attorney General of Uganda from 1995 until 1996.
He was then appointed as the Private Secretary for Legal Affairs, in the Office of the President of Uganda, serving there for seven years from 1996 until 2003. In 2003, he returned to the Chambers of the Attorney General of Uganda for another two years. He then served as an Assistant Commissioner, in Commissioner General’s Office at the Uganda Revenue Authority, until 2010.