KAMPALA – Twaweza East Africa, a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) with a regional presence in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania has on Tuesday, September 10 launched a Sauti za Wananchi Brief No.12 titled: Leaving no one behind. Citizen’s views and experiences on water, sanitation and hygiene at Silver Springs Hotel Bugolobi.
According to Ms. Martha Chemutai, Twaweza’s Communications Officer, the brief is set to present data on citizens’ access to water and sanitation services, as well as their wider views and experiences on water, sanitation and hygiene.
The brief entails eleven insights about Ugandan’s experiences of water, sanitation and hygiene. The mini-booklet briefly captures statistics of the number of households with improved latrines, number of households that have access to water, common challenges faced by communities with regard to accessing clean drinking water and the percentage improvement in access to water by citizens in the past year.

The launched brief follows suit the two recently released briefs from the same production house in 2019. These are; ‘Positive Deviance in Uganda’s Primary Schools’ launched in early September and ‘Health Check’ by the regional NGO in June.
While at the launch, Mrs. Yunia Yiga Musaazi E.D Uganda water And Sanitation NGO Network (UWASNET) said that the two day forum is expected to promote the voices of those that can’t be heard such that every Ugandan has access to affordable water.
“This forum is aimed at ensuring that every Ugandan has access to water. We are here to have a private dialogue with other government sectors and NGOS to solve the problem of insufficient water and poor sanitation.” said Mrs. Musaazi.

Mr. Jeremiah Nyangah the B.O.D- UWASNET further talked about how urban areas have more access to water compared to the poor people in rural areas.
“What do we do about the people who have no water in rural areas that are left behind? Let us leave no one behind just like in the Bible Matthew 18:12-14.” said Nyangah.
With all the remarks made during the launch, the brief is expected to aid in improving the sanitation, hygiene and access to water without leaving anyone behind.