KAMPALA – Twaweza East Africa, a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) with a regional presence in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania will on Tuesday, September 10, launch a Sauti za Wananchi brief titled: Leaving no one behind. Citizens’ views and experiences on water, sanitation, and hygiene.
The event will be held at Silver Springs Hotel in Bugolobi, Kampala and will commence at 8:00 am in the morning.
According to Ms Martha Chemutai, Twaweza’s Communications Officer; the brief that is set to be publically unveiled tomorrow presents data on citizens’ access to water and sanitation services, as well as their wider views and experiences on water, sanitation and hygiene.
“Who has access to clean and safe water, and who continues to depend on other sources? Who is responsible for collecting water, and how long does this take? Do households treat their water to make it safer for drinking?” writes Ms Chemutai in a recent statement from Twaweza.
The other challenges that the mini-booklet captures include; What type of latrines do households use, the research also probes further if these households do share these facilities with others?
The NGO also explored more touchy subjects in this research brief like; do people have hand washing facilities? What is their experience of water-borne diseases, and is there any correlation between access to better water sources or improved latrines and the reduced incidence of such disease?
This succinct booklet follows on the heels of two recently released briefs from the same production house in 2019 which includes; Positive Deviance in Uganda’s primary schools that sought to explore how some children are learning when most are not, this was launched in early September 2019, by Twaweza.
And another brief titled; ‘Health Check’ was launched by the regional NGO in June 2019, it focuses on Ugandans’ experiences and opinions on health services.