KABALE – Village Health Teams- VHTs in Northern division in Kabale Municipality have appealed to government to support them with trainings, if they are to serve their areas effectively.
The Village Health Teams – VHTs made their request on Saturday, August 31, while meeting officials from Kigezi Action for Prosperity, a Non-Government Organization (NGO) operating in Kabale municipality with the aim of empowering people to eradicate poverty.
The meeting was held at Kigezi Diocese rainwater centre in Ihimbi cell in Northern division in Kabale Municipality.
The VHTs who include; the Coordinator of Northern division Village Health Teams – VHTs Beneti Bataringaya and Kotrida Nkeijarubi, another VHT said that despite them being involved in community mobilization for treating minor ailments, routine immunization, HIV/AIDS counseling and testing, and informing the community about services available at health units, the government has not motivated them they lack adequate training for the activities they are implementing.
“Even though we are offering these services, we don’t have any expertise in doing it. We never received any training, we are just using our own knowledge,” said a team member.
Speaking in the meeting, the Executive Director for Kigezi Action for Prosperity, Alex Muhwezi Edgar said that despite the VHTs serving as the initial point of contact for health and providing primary care, the government has done little to recognize and support them.
He asked the government to “support the VHT’s with protective gear, as well as projects aimed at improving their living”.
“It’s true these people are doing an incomparable job to the communities but worst of all the government hasn’t come in yet to re-enforce them in bettering service delivery to the communities they are operating in,” Mr. Muhwezi noted.