KAMPALA – As Uganda today observes World Food Day, four in every four in every five Ugandans in the country say their household income does not meet daily expenses.
A 2018 report by Sauti za Wananchi reveals that three out of ten citizens (29%) cite poverty or the rich-poor gap as the most serious problem facing Uganda today more than any other issue.
According to Sauti za Wananchi data released early this year on Citizens’ views and experienced on poverty and livelihoods entitled; ‘More Food less Money’ poverty is followed by corruption (13%) and a lack of employment (12%).
“And the most-named issue from 2017 – health – now ranks in fourth place, cited by half as many citizens in late 2018 (8%) compared to late 2017 (16%),” reads the report in part.
According to the data on Citizens’ views and experienced on poverty and livelihoods entitled;’ there has been a notable reduction in food stress at the household level in 2018 adding that households were less likely to suffer food stress in 2018 than in 2017.
“The citizens are less likely to report not eating for a whole day (37% compared to 49% in 2017) and running out of food because of a lack of money (69% compared to 53% in 2017],” reads the report in part.
The data adds that more rural and poor Ugandans suffer from food stress than their wealthier and urban compatriots but that even so, one out of four wealthier Ugandans (25%) went without eating for a day in the past three months.
Today is the world food day and it will be observed under the theme “Our Actions Are Our Future Healthy Diets for A #ZeroHungerWord”