MIDRAND, SOUTH AFRICA – Starting next year, delegations will be required to report on their country’s level of implementation of decisions and recommendations of the Pan African Parliament (PAP).
The reports, according to the President of the PAP, Hon. Roger Nkodo, will also include progress reports on the ratification of the amended Protocol giving legislative powers to the PAP.
“At the beginning of each session, the leader of the delegation will give us a report on the enforcement of our decisions and implementation of our resolutions,” said Nkodo adding that “we shall also talk about issues that are cross-cutting like the Boko Haram [terrorists]. We need to discuss the issues that affect people.”
The decision was arrived at as members debated the PAP Activity Report covering the period May – September 2019 during a sitting held in Midrand, on Tuesday 8 October 2019. The Report, presented by President Nkodo gives an overview of all activities carried out by all organs and structures of PAP including the plenary, Bureau, committees, regional and thematic caucuses and the secretariat towards achieving the objectives of the institution.
The Report also provides the challenges faced and gives a projection for the coming period.
Members said that it was important to discuss issues that directly affect the people and see progress made in improving the lives of the people and furthering the integration process on the continent.
Hon. Jacquiline Amongin said all African countries had agreed to the Paris Agreement in 2015 and needed to show how far they have gone with its implementation. She also said that delegations should report on the status of implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.
“What is the level of implementation by African countries to the COP recommendations? How does PAP follow up on what these countries committed themselves to in Paris?” she asked.
COP refers to the Conference of Parties, the 21st of which was signed by world leaders in December 2015 committing to take measures to combat climate change and adapt to its effects.
President Nkodo said that PAP remained a litigation free institution, which he attributed to timely and effective legal advice which enabled early resolution of legal challenges. He, however, noted that the high turnover of members to PAP has a negative impact on the effective participation of MPs in PAP activities and the preservation of the institutional memory.
He also said that there was poor attendance of members during committee sittings denying the required quorum to make binding decisions.