KAMPALA —President Museveni has appointed Inspector General of Government (IGG) Irene Mulyagonja to the Court of Appeal.
Justice Mulyagonja has been appointed alongside two others – lawyer Muzamiru Kibeedi and High Court Judge Monica Mugyenyi Kalyegira to beef up the Court of Appeal bench.
The President also named 12 new High Court Judges including the Inspector of Courts, Immaculate Busingye Byaruhanga, Judiciary spokesman Vincent Mugabo and Registrars Phillip Odoki and Ester Nambayo, among others.
The development is contained in a letter to the Speaker of Parliament Rebbeca Kadaga.
Judiciary Senior Communications Officer Solomon Muyita has confirmed the development.
Others include Byaruhanga Jesse Rugyema, Sserunkuma Isah, Rwakakoko Jeane and Abinnyo Suzanne.
President seems to have responded to long time complaints by the Judiciary about shortages of judges to tackle the staggering case backlog.