KAMPALA – The Budget Monitoring and Accountability Unit (BMAU) has revealed that it has achieved all of its planned targets.
This was on Wednesday 30 revealed by Ms Maria Muzaaki, the institution’s Communication Officer in BMAU’s Health Sector monitoring report for FY2018/19 who said that the overall sector performance was good at 70% achievement of outputs and outcomes, representing a 6% improvement in relation to last FY (2017/18).
Ms Muzaaki said that very good performing programmes were; Pharmaceutical and Medical Supplies under National Medical Stores (NMS) with 96% of the planned targets achieved.
“The NMS procured, warehoused, and supplied essential medicines and health supplies, medical stationery as well as uniforms to public health facilities. Only 33% of the health facilities reported stock out of the 41 tracer medicines in the last quarter of FY2018/19,” said Ms Muzaaki in a statement.
She said that slow progress was registered in attainment of indicators relating to institutional-based perinatal, infant and maternal mortality rate.
“The performance of some of the sub-programmes expected to trigger positive results in maternal and child health were slow with a number of civil works and equipment under procurement. The need to fast track performance of these sub-programme is key for improved service delivery and attainment of NDPII objectives.”
“Service delivery was hampered by procurement delays, lack of laboratory reagents in RRHs, stock outs of medicines and supplies, inadequate planning especially in regard to the upgrade of HCIIs into HCIII, delayed recruitment and deployment of health workers, and poor communication between the DLGs and MoH,” she added.