KATAKWI —Katakwi is the 69th district in Uganda to receive the Small Claims Procedure, a judiciary moves to extended service delivery and justice closer to the people.
The small claims team from the Judiciary on Monday November 25 launched the procedure at Kumi and Ngora courts.
Julius Mayeku a resident of Katakwi district lent UGX 7m to a friend in 2017. To date the friend has failed to repay the loan despite several demands.
“I can’t afford a lawyer, and police has not been helpful in catching this person” he said.
He was among the hundreds of people from Kumi, Ngora and Katakwi districts who thronged the Chief Magistrates’ courts to witness the launch of Small Claims procedure.
The procedure is a new form of mediation in matters arising out of supply of goods, debts and rent, introduced by the Judiciary with an intention of decongesting the prisons and reducing case backlog.
During the launch, the RDC of Katakwi district, Enomu Vincent commended the judiciary for bringing this procedure because it will be sufficient for the residents. “Good people, this procedure is cheap, fast and reliable. The court is here to help deliver justice swiftly and peaceful,” he said.

In attendance of all three launches was the Ag. Registrar of Small Claims Procedure Lillian Bucyana, who elaborated more about the procedure and emphaised that Small Claims Procedure does not require any legal representation and the parties involved will not waste their money during the procedure.
She also added that the procedure only handles matters whose value do not exceed sh10m and the magistrates courts will ensure that the issue is handled within 14 days.
“The parties to a small claim are mediated by a judicial officer to reach a quick agreement, avoiding technical procedures, excluding lawyers, consequently shortening the usually lengthy and costly court process,” she said amidst a deafening applause from the jubilant residents.