KAABONG – Kaabong district authorities in the Karamoja sub-region in northeastern Uganda have closed down all the cattle markets in the district following an outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD).
Dr. Fredric Elabu, the Kaabong district veterinary officer said the cattle markets were closed on Tuesday 19 and that more than 18,000 animals are risk of being infected by the disease.
He said the disease has already affected three sub-counties of Lodiko, Kalapata and Kaabong town council.
“We have closed all the cattle markets and slaughtering of animals in Kaabong district is not allowed until further notice,” he said.
Dr. Elabu said the closure of the markets was directed by the commissioner of Livestock in the Ministry of Agriculture, Animals and Fisheries industries after several blood samples taken from suspected sick animals proved positive of the diseases.
Recently, the quarantine was lifted in Moroto district after two years banned and left several animal traders in a desperate situation of looking for survival.
According to the World Health Organization, FMD is a severe, highly contagious viral of cattle and swine. It affects cows, sheep, goats, deer, and other cloven-hooved ruminants.
The disease spread very quickly if not controlled and because of this is a reportable disease.
The virus survives in lymph nodes and bone marrow at neutral but it’s destroyed in a muscle when it is less than 6.0 after Mortis.
Dr. Elabu said the district was waiting for the drugs from the ministry of agriculture for carrying out massive vaccinations of the animals against the disease.
Mr. Mark Abuku, the district LCV chairperson of Kaabong appealed to the Ministry of Agriculture to speed up with the vaccinations of livestock against the disease saying the district has been relying on the markets for its revenue.